Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Big Day

So I showed uP at 6:15 am at. Emory Orthopaedic for my date with destiny, or with one of the finest Orthopaedic surgeons in the land according to my son and Angie's list! After putting on the required Suit of Embarrassment, replete with blue bonnet and open in the back to display vertical butt crack, we commenced the long day of verious meds, creams, and most importantly, titanium alloy and cross-linked polymers of limitless durability.

Speaking of meds, specifically pain meds and techniques. We began the day with Verced, followed by injectable Fentanyl to take the edge off two nerve blocks (can't imagine doing that without heavy medication, the quivering patella alone was weird enough) followed by more Verced, then whatever they give you to knock you senseless.

While most Orthos take two or three hours for Arthroplasty, this guy started at 8:14 am and was done by 8:59 am. And they closed me up with Superglue's advanced cousin to avoid big ugly scars on my gorgeous legs.

Then more Verced, then the nerve block drip, then the Dilaudid pump, then toradol, Morphine ER, Tylenol, some weird calf wraps that pump and squeeze to avoid clots, a PCM that flexes your knee 30 degrees regularly.

90 minutes after arriving in my room, I had my first physical therapy. It went well.

So, all in all,not a bad day.

1 comment:

  1. Yeaaaaaa! I didn't expect to hear from you so soon. You will recover like a champ.
